Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dear Officer Darren Wilson

              From the depths of my soul, I want to say thank you for being the man and officer that you are. I do not know you personally but your work morale and strong since of courage shines throughout the United States. It makes me sad to see how much we as American citizens, have failed you.

              You see, I am a police wife and also a former telecommunicater  and although that does not mean much to some people, it means the world to me. I've learned in the last seven years of my life what all comes from working within law enforcement. It isn't about the cars, the k9's, the badges, the guns, the pay... it's totally not about the pay. Its about the community. The one that you were sworn to protect and the one that you sir, have you put your life on the line for. I applaud you just for that very fact a lone. There are so many men and women who do not make it home at night back to their loved ones, and that truly makes me sad. I hope you find strength in knowing that there are many citizens are praying for you and for your city.

              Some may wonder why I think that America has failed you. But it's almost comical that more do not realize this how we fail the ones who protect us on a daily basis. You as well as the thousands of other LEO's are looked over every day. We distrust you, we belittle you, and we make cowards of you due to your chosen selfless career. The night of August 9th, when you were protecting  your life and took the life of an adult criminal to save your own, we let you down. We didn't have your six. The media blew your service out of proportion. The president belittled you and we took this to an entire new level of, "war."               

              A war that comes from the core of our beings. 
The hearts of each of us. This is not a war of the way we each look nor the color of our skin. It is the war of hearts. Each action we simply take each day is made from where our hearts lie. 

             The facts were given live on a Monday night. You were proven innocent and my heart rejoiced. Some say this is a victory for Law Enforcement but truly it is not. Even though you survived the situation, no one is a winner. That is why I thank you. You were strong enough to not only keep yourself safe, but to now forever endure the wrath of another men's terrible choice. 

            We have now become a country that is full of silent protest for criminals. Yet, the innocent are still fighting for their lives. It honestly makes me sick to see what kind of generation my children will be raising into. I can promise you this as a Mother of two. My change in this world is to better my children. Teach my children to have respect for authority and most of all to know right from wrong. They may make a terrible choice one day, but I have faith that putting morals into them as children will help as they grow into adult hood. 

             I can only hope that our country gets back to our sense and realizes that even though this is a sad situation we can all learn for the better of it. We can all learn that color, is just a color. Although, sin is huge and running our country into a deeper hole than ever before. I pray that this incident does not act upon your character and you can uphold the man that you are. I pray that our country finds a leader who will not turn their back on the public servants of America, to only praise a community into dividing. I pray that if this were to ever happen to my family, that we stay as strong as yours. 

             Lastly, that my Husband always watches his six to come back home to is each night because we are letting to many citizens have power that should not. 


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Story of Mommy

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I am a sinner saved by the grace of God. A wife to the 5oh, and Mother to Charli Beth and Bryar. This is my story of Motherhood, life experiences and sometimes even my overwhelming heart all typed out. I believe in second chances, yet the firm hand of parenting. That sweet tea is of the comfort food category. Chickens belong in every backyard. Children should each have a responsibility of their own while helping take care of duties in the home. Sports are a must for our family, and we spend many nights on courts or fields. We consistently feel new to each of the experiences that are brought into our lives. But we are always excited for the journey in which God has given us.

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